Le Bazar Roulant was a 2-week tour that revolved around the topic of reducing waste and upcycling. The Givebox, central to the project, encouraged people to swap things they no longer needed for things they did; the boxes themselves made out of old scrap materials and pre-loved furniture. But there’s more to upcycling than to swap old wares: at each stop of the tour, our team hosted upcycling workshops, giving a new lease on life to old or broken objects.
All together, 17 workshops were offered to the community (and our own team). Here’s a run down of DIY projects that cost (almost) nothing, and won’t cost the earth. Happy upcycling!
Wednesday 7th May, Alès
The first event of Le Bazar Roulant was very well attended, with hundreds of people visiting throughout the day. Because we had partnered with the Association of the “quartier RAIA”, there were many children who attended and took part in in our workshops.
Paper Masks built out of old cardboard boxes, by Thomas and Christian
Acrobatic show-jumping course for children, with Manu
CuiCui (little birds out of recycled fabric) show, with Charlotte
Juggling balls made out of balloons and dirt, by Julien
Paper bead necklaces made of old magazines and coloured electrical wire, by Anna
Sewing workshop using old bits of fabric and buttons to make small ornaments and key-rings, by Christi
Mask-making workshop
Mask-making workshop
Mask-making workshop
Christian demonstrating his mask-making skills
Mask-making workshop
Making paper bead necklaces
Acrobatics workshop by Manu
Balloon-animal workshop
Charlotte before her CuiCui performance
Inside the CuiCui van, where dreams come to life
Friday 9th May, Lasalle
Lasalle welcomed us with perfect weather. It felt like much of the town came during the day to take part in workshops and watch the performances. In the afternoon, after an announcement in the adjacent park by Sarah, dozens of kids came to make their own shoe pot-plant, with Julianne and Janosch.
The pot plants were made using old shoes, flowers and herbs from a local meadow, and soil from the park (thanks Lasalle municipality!). Children then decorated their shoe-planters with old nail polish
Saturday 10th May, Sainte Croix Vallée Française
Another sunny day. Under our big umbrella just by the river, three workshops were offered – and a few of our team took part, too!
Lamps build out of trash, by Janosch and Elly. A few made by the team were kept to decorate future events.
An example of one of the lamps. Made by Dorte.
Bamboo objects (Sevrin even constructed a massage tent!) using the wood in the nearby grove, by Thomas. Sadly the massage tent couldn’t be reconstructed in every town from then on…
Windmills made out of recycled plastic bottles which rolled in the wind, by Thomas
Travelling windmills
Thomas demonstrating how to make a windmil
Finished product!
Wednesday 14th May, L’Espinas
Pimp your dress, making old clothes look more interesting by adding using old fabric scraps and buttons, by Elly
Elly getting ready to pimp a dress
CuiCui (little birds out of recycled fabric) show, with Charlotte
Making a Givebox using old wood and furniture, which was then permanently installed on the bistro terrace. Lots of people helped on this project, which was a part of the team’s programme. Co-ordinated by Christophe and helped by Sarah, Tatiana, Janosch, Thomas (from Belgium), Thomas (from Germany), Christian, Sevrin, Mirko… Watch the timelapse video of its construction in this blog post.
Saturday 17th May, La Grand’Combe
Scrap books made out of used paper, wire and other trash, by Dorte and Anna
Rustic drinking glasses made out of old bottles that were scored, heated up, and cooled down very quickly. The tension caused the cut to break, leaving the bottom of the bottle for a glass. Janosch and Thomas supervised this!
Wallets out of old milk and juice cartons, by Robin
Pimp your dress, making old clothes look more interesting by using old fabric scraps and buttons, by Elly and Nadja
Juggling balls made out of old plastic trash and dirt, by Julien
Scoring the glass
Filing the edges of a rustic drinking glass
Rustic drinking glasses (that never let you go thirsty), or simple tea light wind shields!
Robin explains how to make a wallet
Wallets from old milk and Juice cartons
Pimp your dress!
Take your pick: buttons for the pimp your dress workshop
Making scrap books from recycled paper
Making scrap books
Old tyres re-purposed into juggling balls